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On writing

Writing reluctant heroes

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If you have read any of my books, you know I love a reluctant hero. There’s something about someone who did not want to save the day slowly coming to terms with the idea that they have to and accepting that for the greater good just hits me right. But… Read More »Writing reluctant heroes

4 types of editing phases

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If you have written a story and you’d like to improve it, either just so that your story is even better or because you’d like to do something with it like publish it, editing is something you are going to consider. Editing can come in a lot of different forms… Read More »4 types of editing phases

3 tips for writing dialog

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I may not be great with description, but I love writing dialog. I find it to be one of the most fun parts of the process and it really helps me to understand how my characters interact with the people around them. I know it’s not for everyone, though, so… Read More »3 tips for writing dialog

Food in fictional universes

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I’m doing a lot of world building right now with my current project and that means one of my go to scenes has been heavily impacting: The info dump while people are cooking scene.1 Since this is a fantasy world, I have spent a decent amount of time trying to… Read More »Food in fictional universes

COSA Beats

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There’s a lot of plot structures and story beats out there that are pretty common. Romancing the Beat, Heroe’s Journey, these ones are all over and you can see them in many of your favourite books and shows. They never quite worked for me, though, because of the particular kinds… Read More »COSA Beats

Some Cloned Evil ideas

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As I think I’ve mentioned before, I had originally intended to write Cloned Evil as a serialized series but just couldn’t get the arcs to come together into anything fully cohesive. I had middles, I had ends, I had a couple beginnings, but I didn’t have all three for any… Read More »Some Cloned Evil ideas

The pros and cons of audiobooks

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With more and more people getting into audiobooks, and with Audible advertising just about everywhere these days, I’ve seen a lot of conversations about whether or not authors should make their books available in audiobook format. It’s a new and exciting thing, so should you get in on it? Why… Read More »The pros and cons of audiobooks

Writing fictional subcultures

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When working on your worldbuilding, adding a few distinct subcultures in your fictional populations can be an easy way of making the world feel richer and larger than it really is. But how do you create them? First, a definition: A subculture is a group of people within a culture that differentiates itself from… Read More »Writing fictional subcultures