An Introduction to the Twisted Eden Sector

With Tales from the Twisted Eden Sector now under my name, and Evidence, the fifth book of the series ((Simya Academy is more of a spin-off)) coming out on September first, I figured I should at least talk a little about the series. Since I’ve been writing a lot of young adult urban fantasy, the more mature supernatural horror might require an introduction.

Tales from the Twisted Eden Sector

The magic of the world never really went away. It’s just been hidden, forced into back alleys and out of the public eye for so long that some don’t believe that it ever existed at all. Scattered across the world and hidden away into the back streets, there are many who know otherwise and make it their lives to hide it.

They have more than enough work on their hands as they seem to be at the center of something big. The fabric of the universe seems thinner here than anywhere else. Their sector sees more enchanted items, dangerous people and strange creatures than any other. The appearance in recent years of children born with an innate ability to perform a single spell with no training in their sector and theirs alone has baffled them and flooded their files. Something is coming, but without knowing what it might be, they are forced to deal with it one case at a time.

Every book in the series contains 11 short stories, mostly in chronological order within the book, and all of which are linked thematically. There are several characters that appear in several stories throughout the books at different points in their lives. ((In theory, you could follow just one character in the books, or even assemble the shorts on your own to follow the characters you’re interested in.))

It is a largely nonlinear project, though. The books are told one on top of one another. For those who want to check it out, but can’t handle not knowing when one story happens in relation to another, I have a timeline you can check out here. ((A little out of date now, but I’ll be updating it soon!))

If any of this interests you, do check it out. If not, don’t forget to vote in the book poll!