I have a comp title for Looking Glass Saga!

I’ve always been really bad at figuring out what other books my books are like. I tend to want things to match too closely in order to keep people from being disappointed that the story isn’t enough like the one that they originally read. But I finally have a comp title!

You can see my actual thoughts on Every Heart a Doorway here, but the thing that are alike here:

  • Young adult book
  • Asexual female protagonist
  • Children who are not over the other worlds that they went to
  • Parents who are not happy that their children are not over the other worlds they went to and want them to go back to normal dammit
  • A character with personal space and boundaries issues that talks in riddles
  • Oh hey look, there’s horror in this!

I’m just happy that I finally have at least one answer to that question. If you liked these elements of Every Heart a Doorway, check out Return to Wonderland! I suppose I should probably also mention Alice in Wonderland as another title that goes well too, but somehow that

Honestly, though, this whole post is an excuse to show that picture of my cat.