Pulp Literature Review

Short stories are a weird spot for me. On the one hand, I’ve written a lot of them and I appreciate them as a form of narrative that’s a lot harder to write than most people give them credit for. On the other hand, my memories of short stories growing up are the ones I had to analyze for school and angsty fanfic one shots. I’ve always had a lot of trouble finding good genre shorts that I like and that don’t leave me severely wanting in the world building department.

Enter Pulp Literature. It’s a local short story publication, a magazine that comes out with a regularity that I’ve yet to ask about. ((I’ve met JM Landels several times and I have yet to remember to ask how often.)) This is a science fiction, fantasy, and all those genres in between magazine that accepts and publishes short fiction, poetry and comics. ((And they have a decent pay rate. If I could write short things that actually stand alone…)) Despite the diversity, or because of it, there’s a lot of high quality content in the issues. Maybe not everything for everyone, but certainly something you can latch onto in each issue that makes it well worth it.

There’s a very distinct feel and aesthetic to the works, despite them being all very different. They all work surprisingly well together in each issue and, between the few that I’ve read so far, I’ve managed to find more than my fair share of books that I enjoyed among the collections.

Rather than an Amazon link this time, I’ll send you right to their site and their Patreon. Go check them out!