Ms Miller Backstory

I’m going to be doing a short series about the backstories of characters that appear in The Looking Glass Saga that don’t get nearly enough attention and probably never will. To start with, Ms. Miller!

Ms Rose Miller is an educational tutor that is currently working while going for her PhD in Child Psychology. Her specialization is with children with autism, though working with Alice has been a it of a special case. She took the job of caring and educating a child who was advertised to have a very tenuous grasp on reality because it presented a unique challenge and because it was very good money at a time when she desperately needed it. 

She is not fond of the situation that she ended up with in terms of Alice. The issue was largely with the parents believing strange things about their child and giving her a very different complex. When mentioning it to colleagues, they warned her quickly that the Liddells had a reputation of making things difficult for anyone who tried to call CPS. Careers had been left ruined by what were deemed false accusations of those who pressed too hard. She doesn’t think that the children in the house are safe there, but ultimately doesn’t want to ruin her career before it gets started. 

Given this, Rose’s focus remained entirely on the well being of the girls in the house. While Alice was a docile girl looking to stay out of trouble, her sister was much less willing to remain under her father’s rule. Eventually, she ran away and Rose helped her escape once she was sure of the situation that she was escaping into, promising to keep an eye on her sister. 

Aside from Alice, Rose watches over three other students that are much less intensive, which gives her just enough time for her thesis and a relationship, especially now that she is only seeing Alice during the summers. She has been seeing Theodore Williams, a social worker she met through her program, for two years and they have been talking about marriage after Rose finishes her degree.