Accomplishments of 2020

This year has been really rough for a lot of reasons. The world shut down and I’ve had a lot of very large and small changes in my own life before and after the pandemic decided to change life for everyone. But now that the year is almost over and I’m going to start planning for next year, I thought it would be good to look back and remember the things that I actually managed to accomplish this year.

Started a new job and career!

Look, after starting the year out pretty rough, a new job and made an official career shift and I am so happy about that. I got incredibly lucky with the timing and I am now settled, doing well, and comfortable. For me, this has always been a remote position and that makes things a lot easier to get settled.

The Looking Glass Saga is done!

My advice to new writers: Don’t take on a ten book series. But I can also tell you that there’s nothing like finishing and putting out a series that long. I feel fantastic! It’s sad to see the end of Alice’s story, but I feel good having finished it and I hope other people have enjoyed her story as well.

All of Tales from the Twisted Eden Sector books are in paperback!

It has been so long since I started writing the series and then finished the books. 2012 is when I put out the first book. 2005 was when I first conceptualized the start of the series. I finished the series in 2016, but now it is finally out and done! And I am never going back. ((Until I go back.))

I made more zines!

I’m still finding my footing for the medium, but I have been making more zines! I have been wanting to do more of them and this year I found the time to make some new ones. And, now that I’ve gotten more into it, I think next year I’ll be expanding not only into more zines, but a few other things that have been inspired by my zine exchanges.

I’ve done a major decluttering!

It’s not done yet, but I have made a major dent in the cleaning of my place and getting rid of a lot of the stuff that I don’t want or need anymore. It’s a work in progress, but I have made such huge strides in it this year, and getting around to making my place the way I want it to be. It’s fantastic and I’ll be making more strides next year to do more.

Generally survived

Really, it’s been a rough year. Surviving is a huge accomplishment all by itself. I am going to count this as a thing I have accomplished, and I feel like everyone else can do. And now, I am going to make plans for the next year.