Making Ideas Happen review

Some of you may know that I’m constantly working on creative projects. While I do tend to actually get a few of them done on a relatively regular basis, I’m always interested in new strategies for how to get them all worked out and done.

Unlike a lot of the books I’ve been reading lately in this genre, this one does actually have practical advice, albeit stuff that I’ve already tried. There’s the standard of figuring out your vision and figure out how to make it happen as well as delegation advice, but it comes with actual strategies to try as well. There’s also an interesting bit about leadership in the last third, which is something I don’t personally aspire to but something that Belsky clearly feels strongly about.

There is a decent amount of promotion for Benahce woven into the book, but I’d still say this is one of the better books on how to generally get things organized and work out how to make your ideas into plans that actually happen. I’ve used a lot of the strategies and still use a few of them, so check it out if you’re looking for a place to get starts.