Atomic Habits review


You know how I keep saying I’m going to stop reading those self help books? Well, I am terrible at sticking to my word and I thought that maybe this would have some tips on how to better create habits that I hadn’t seen before.

Atomic Habits focuses on how to set you up best to make a new habit stick, from setting up your space to creating a system of accountability for yourself to make sure you stick to it. It discusses the theory and is peppered with anecdotes of how the theory might work in practice for other people, or how other people have implemented the theories to great success. The thesis is essentially that you start small and then add on, and do everything you can to set yourself up for success.

I struggled a little with the book because the information is ultimately not new to me, and I am less interested in theory than the practical aspects. Given the structure of the chapters, I could have used with subheadings that directed me to the practical portions rather than the end of chapter notes that summarized the main ideas.

It’s not bad overall, just not structured or done in a way that ultimately works for me. I got the same information in a more actionable way from this playlist. But if that doesn’t work for you and you want more of the theory, this might work better for you.