Exposed review


I am starting to think I should just make a goal to only read books that I either get directly from indie authors or that I pick up from the library for the year. It’s certainly expanding my reading and I’m checking out a lot more interesting titles this way. Including a lot more Canadian content!

Exposed follows Raven, a young woman in Vancouver, BC, who is about to be old enough to leave the crime ring that she’s grown up in. She starts to realize that her exit is not going to be as easy as she thinks, and must enlist the help of some new friends to try and get herself free of the leader of the group of car jacking teens who likely has plans for her once she ages out of his current operation.

The book is quick to a fault, not quite giving us as much time with some of the characters that I’d have liked. There was the crush from school, the small group that helped her get out and take down her crime ring family, and the people in her criminal private life. For a book this short, there’s just too many characters to feel like you get to know anyone besides Raven in the end.

It does also read a bit like someone who has visited Vancouver as opposed to someone who lives here, but that might just be because it was written before I spent a lot of time downtown. Some of the specifics threw me off and didn’t seem to reflect the city as I knew it.

Still, it’s a fun and quick read! It’s an interesting idea and I do like Vancouver in stories. I wish there were more of it, and will definitely look into more of her stuff if I find it.