Burnout review

Am I horribly burnt out? Yes. Was that the only reason I picked up this book? Also yes.

It’s mostly a book about burnout, the causes, and a bit more of a clinical take with the voice of someone talking to you over coffee. In the way a lot of books with clinical studies in them tend to do, it does tend to restate the same point in several different ways and angles, but each chapter ends with that TLDR which is useful when you find yourself glazing over the materials.

I thought the addition of putting a feminist lens on it was interesting, but ultimately it lost me around the parts where it started bringing in the patriarchy as well. I stopped relating because a lot of what was talked about centers more on women with families and filling very traditionally female roles, and I am burnt out because we are understaffed, I worked for a good while at 150% capacity, and only got a reduction in workload when my life went to hell and excess 50% was taken up by the flood matters.

I think I was expecting it to provide a lot more concrete strategies and advice on how to approach things, not just explain why it was not your fault and that we live in a society and all of those matters.

Overall it’s fine? It falls in the category of self help books where I didn’t really align with it and I might not be the person who this was for. I’ve seen others find this book to be lifechanging, so maybe it will be for you.