Time management for the creative person review

How many self improvements books must I read before I figure out how to get my life together? All of them! Surely one of them will give me the trick to fixing my life!

This book, however, was not the one. That’s not to say it was a bad thing! It’s just that I have read a lot of these and the ideas tend to repeat themselves. I’m starting to think there’s only so much advice, and these sorts of books are very specifically targeted at someone who is disorganized and needs to create an organization system.

The framing of “Creatives are naturally disorganized and not like those people who have office jobs!” feels as dated as the references to the rolodexes, and there’s a strange amount of charts of data relating to women with children, which makes this feel very 90s-00s. It appears to be mostly a marketing tool, as it’s honestly a book full of strategies for anyone who feels in need of a starting place with a lot of options for things to try.

For me, though, I’ve read all the elements in this book before. It is admittedly pretty comprehensive, as I don’t think I’ve had a single book cover all of these strategies and topics before, but ultimately it was not the something new I was hoping for.

It might work better if you’re just starting, but ultimately this was not for me.