Should you use a pen name?

The question of pen names comes up when people are early in their publishing journey, as well it should! But it can still be a very difficult decision to make. As someone who started with a pen name and then switched to my real name, it can be a difficult choice to reverse. It’s gotten harder on some platforms over the years!

So to help, I’ve put together a quick quiz to help you with the choice.

Are you going to publish under a lot of different genres?

Could there be a conflict with your job? ie. Erotica when you work with children

Do you plan on doing live appearances? ie. Readings, in person signing events

Is it important to see YOUR NAME on the cover?

Does your name fit the genre you’re writing in? ie. Does your name scream ROMANCE or SCI FI?

Could your name be confused with another author already writing in the genre?

Could your name change in the future in a way that you’d want to update it professionally? ie. Marriage

Do you want to use a pen name?