She Means Business review

Do I want to try and make my art into a business? Yes. Do I want to do what I’m required to do in terms of marketing and getting an audience to do it? Do I want to create a solid brand presence, niche down, get rid of half the stuff I’m doing so I can be consistent, build a loyal following off of that, and then diversify back out later? Nope! But I will read a business book or two in order to feel like I’m actively doing something to help my cause!

This book is very much what I expect a girl boss business book to be. It feels 85% empty platitudes about how you can do anything, you’re awesome and amazing! There’s about 5% advice that is presented with the same kind of framing, with “Put it out into the universe” language without pointing out that getting your idea written down in a way where you can look at it and revise it is actually a good and practical thing. And then there’s about 10% actual business advice that I’m pretty familiar with in terms of how to find your target audience and be a brand.

Also, there were pitches for her course throughout it and I am not a fan of that inside my library books. Make me look you up, don’t try to grab my email address in exchange for information you keep alluding to and never getting to.

I like a lot of very concrete and practical advice, so this was very much not the kind of book I think I was ever going to be compatible with. The little bit of useful information that’s in there is pretty widely available elsewhere, but if you need a bit of that emotional support in your entrepreneurship journey, maybe it will work better for you.