Today in taking out random books from the library, a book about Cirque! I have never been myself, but have always wanted to go. There’s a tent that I can see from the train when they come into town, but I haven’t been yet. So obviously I had to check out a book about it, even if it looks oddly like a business book.
It’s not a business book, though, not really. It’s a motivational book about how to improve your life, but told through the framing device of a sports talent rep discovering the world of Cirque and having the people who work behind the scenes give him life advice via telling him about the intricacies about their job and how inspired they are by it.
It’s clearly fictionalized if not entirely fictional. There is no way that everyone in Cirque speaks in quotables, I am sorry. But I did find it to be a very effective and entertaining way of getting the message across of finding your passion and understanding that the risks are worth the rewards of happiness in the end. It is a little heavy handed at times, but I still enjoyed it.
If you’re looking for something a little different in the motivational self help genre, this one is certainly an interesting read. It’s also a very quick read, and you’ll be able to get through it without much trouble.