Getting the business together

After a series of books that I’ve read recently that feel very much like they are calling me out specifically, I have decided to take the hint and start to get Scrap Paper properly into alignment with how a business should be run. Or, at least, to run it more seriously.

I’ve always struggled with the idea of taking it seriously mostly because I have a day job. I don’t need Scrap Paper Entertainment to be financially successful, so instead it is what I use to put out all of my side projects and to give a bit more structure around the new things I try.

But then my company had a major layoff and, while my job remains safe, it was a good reminder that jobs are never really safe. Fear is a fantastic and unfortunate motivator.

But also, a series of books recommended to me by mentors have also helped me to start to put together an idea for how to at least figure out a way to make it into a business that I can feel comfortable running. They also helped me figure out how to conduct my day job career as well, and that was the original intent, but I now have just… so many ideas around how to make some of the other things come together.

Which, by the way, if you want to see some of the initial spiral those articles are over on Medium.

(I am going to make a habit of cross-posting to Medium, by the way, and if you want to follow me there I would really appreciate that!)

So this is going to mark the start of me trying to make the business actually come together as a business. First up, I need to at least organize what I have and then set up the framework into something that actually works with the way I am comfortable with working. Let’s do this.