The Extra review

This was the last physical book on my to be read pile and I am finally through it! At last, the whole pile is gone! After this I can start on the digital one and then finally I will have read all the books I have! AT LAST! And then get more books as a reward. Anyway…

We follow Frankie as she heads to Hollywood with her friend, Connie, to pursue a life as an actress. Things go wrong on the way there as they end up giving a truly awful person and famous director a ride into town and get caught up in the glamour and mystery of Hollywood, along with all the disappointment that comes along with it.

The story doesn’t really kick off until more than half way through the book when the murder mentioned on the blurb actually happens. Before that, it’s a lot of set up to understand the inner workings of Hollywood and just how terrible just about everyone in the book is. Once the murder happens, it feels almost like a completely different story, with Frankie going underground and trying to solve the crime while evading the police.

While the story is pretty well paced once the murder happens, I found that I didn’t like any of the characters. People are vindictive or self serving, and even when there’s a moment of redemption where I think someone might make a good decision, that is soon undone by their following actions. I was rooting for no one in this even though I’m pretty sure I was supposed to be.

Honestly, I preferred her Stella Ryman book more, but this might be a good fit for someone looking for some of the old Hollywood glamour and a more traditional read. If it sounds interesting, check it out!