Can’t Even review

As someone who is deeply burnt out at their current job, I’ve been taking a lot of random recommendations from people around books about burnout. I’m not really sure what I’m looking to get out of them yet, but something about having the resources makes me feel a lot better.

Can’t Even is mostly an exploration around how burnout happens for the millennial generation, from being raised as a resume to get a good job and be a productive member of society to how jobs have continued to get worse as a result of companies investing less in their workforce and more in ensuring optimum productivity. I was actually a little surprised there was no reference to the Netflix book in here, because that would have been a fantastic parallel in some areas, but this author is originally from Buzzfeed which has it’s own set of issues.

There are no real answers about what to do about it, only an explanation of why it’s happening, which I found frustrating at first but as I’ve sat with it I think it’s better that it doesn’t. I’ve been very irritated by the empty solutions and instead looking at the causes gives a bit more understanding that there may not really be a solution on an individual level.

Overall, not a bad read! Not exactly optimistic and there’s a few takes that I don’t necessarily agree with throughout, but I enjoyed it as a read, especially at this point in my life.