Wintering review

Every time I think I’m improving, I seem to fall back. Which isn’t that bad when you have a read that feels a lot like the author is currently going through the exact same thing.

The book is an autobiographical look at the author’s own journey as she finds herself getting sick and learning to scale back and enter a “wintering” phase of her life. It’s written in a stream of consciousness kind of way, where we move from thought to thought with the themes holding the chapters together.

And right now, the meandering feel of it really worked for me. It seemed like her journey of poor health and recovery was a lot more straightforward and quick than anything I’m going through, but I could find myself relating to a lot of the thoughts and feelings of loss of your old life and having to learn to take it easy when you used to do everything.

I don’t know if this book is for everyone, but it was a nice one for me, especially at this time of my life where I am very much also in a wintering phase. It might be good for you if you are in one, or if you know someone currently having to remove and rest.