Category: General

  • Twisted Eden Sector Giveaway

    In honour of the last book in Tales from the Twisted Eden Sector coming out, I’m having a contest and I wanted to let you guys know first! I’ll be giving away all seven books in the series, including a signed paperback copy of Syndicate and the currently unreleased final book, Legacy.


    Think of it as an easy way to get it a week early! Good luck to all who enter!

    Twisted Eden Sector Giveaway

    Contest closes March 25th.

  • Liebster Award!


    Big thanks to LeeanasCreativeBox for nominating me for this one! Definitely go check her out. So, let’s get to this!


    Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
    Display the Liebster Award on your blog.
    Share 11 random facts about yourself.
    Answer the 11 questions you were asked.
    Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers for the Award and have them answer 11 questions.
    Let the other bloggers know you’ve nominated them.
    Copy the rules into your post.


    1. I have read Island of the Blue Dolphins about six times, but I don’t actually remember any of it. ((I was in elementary school, so the memory is a little hazy.))
    2. I didn’t start really reading until one summer when I picked the biggest book I could find ((The Sword of Shannara)) in the hopes it would take a long time to read it and then mom told me I only had a week.
    3. I didn’t start writing a lot until high school, when I got positive feedback on a short backstory I wrote for my character in a friend’s comic she was making.
    4. I made nine things for my Christmas tins this year.
    1. I am a marathoner when it comes to shows. I said I would watch Supernatural and I think I finished 7 seasons in two weeks.
    2. I have read the books for Game of Thrones and have not seen the series.
    3. I don’t have either cable or Netflix at the moment.
    4. I don’t actually live in Vancouver. It’s just the default location I give because no one outside of the Lower Mainland knows where my city is.
    5. I seriously considered moving to Ontario and starting over not long ago. Unfortunately, I blew all the money I would have used doing it on a trip out to Toronto and found out how damn expensive it is to get across the country.
    6. I have plans for a trip that would take me about a month and a half to complete and about $7,000. I don’t know if I’ll ever take it. ((I don’t think there’s a job out there that will let me take that much time off))
    7. When I was younger, I wrote a lot of fanfiction. It is still available online because I can’t access the account. ((And I don’t use that email account anymore. It doesn’t exist. No, I’m not telling you where those fics are.))


    1. What was your favourite toy when you were young?
      I had two stuffed animals that I loved. A pink teddy bear and a green bunny rabbit named Pink Bear and Bunny.
    2. Which band or musician would you recommend to the world?
      2NE1. I’m still on a KPop kick and I love these women.
    3. What is your all-time favourite TV series?
      Whose Line is it Anyway? I have a deep love of that show and it is great to get me out of a funk.
    4. If you could ban one thing in this world, what would that be?
      The question “What are you?” and all derivatives of it in the context of trying to figure out what race or ethnicity someone is, because I really hate it.
    5. You have to stay on an island Survivor-style for a whole month. You’re only allowed to take five things with you. What five things (not people) would you take.
      Tough. I think I’ll go with laptop, ((With a whole lot of books about surviving on an island and some writing projects to work on pre-loaded onto it)) solar powered charger, a tent, a knife, and potatoes. I think I can figure out how to cook a potato on a deserted island. ((If all else fails, I will overheat the laptop and boil the thing.))
    6. Do you think there are aliens ‘out there’?
      Statistically speaking, probably. I don’t think they’re super interested in contacting humans, though, in the same way we’re not using a lot of resources to contact them.
    7. Which book do you read when you’re in a ‘there’s nothing to read’ mood?
      I usually try to read Sophie’s world again. One day, I will finish that book.
    8. Why did you start blogging?
      Originally, to post my stories up online. At least, that was the reason for my first site.
    9. Which of your posts are you most proud of?
      I don’t know if it’s on here, but I wrote a post about how writing your first draft is like running away from zombies. Always liked that one.
    10. Do people get your sense of humour?
      Not always. My references tend to be a little obscure, and not in the cool way.
    11. If you found Aladdin’s Lamp, what wish would you make?
      The final wish is always free the genie. The first would probably be for something lame like financial stability for the rest of my life. The second would be for my own magic powers.


    1. What is the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
    2. What is your second favourite song?
    3. What book have you reread the most times and why?
    4. What’s your zombie apocalypse plan?
    5. What’s your go to snack food?
    6. What’s your favourite fiction genre?
    7. Ebooks or print books?
    8. Do you listen to any podcasts? Which ones?
    9. Do you read any comics and which ones? Any recommendations?
    10. How addicted are you to your phone?
    11. You wake up one day with the ability to raise the dead. What do you do with this power?


    I don’t know that many people out in the blogging world just yet, so here’s a shot at 11. ((And who I think are also under 200. I’m not sure where to find that number.))

    1. Aditi Pallod
    2. Busy Bri Covered in Pink
    3. Rantings Of A Third Kind
    4. officeboredomblog
    5. 2D’sworld
    6. Yellow Wolf Enlightenment
    8. A Cooking Pot and Endless Tales
    9. Bun Karyudo’s Scribblings
    10. blabberwockying!
  • Dammit, Supernatural Romance

    To be clear: I am not a fan of the romance genre in general. It’s a genre that’s been targeted at me my whole life that I have never liked. I don’t mind it as part of the narrative where it isn’t the most important thing, but on its own, I find it irritating and predictable, often playing mostly on gender tropes that I’d rather would just die.

    But I have a lot of supernatural romance on my Kobo. I downloaded a lot of free books once upon a time and they looked like they would have more supernatural than romance in it. Plus, I know romance is a bit of a weak point for me, so I wanted to see how other authors with more experience handled it. I figured reading them would be an educational experience and I would get something useful out of the experience, even if I knew it would end predictably.

    I’ll give them this. I didn’t see any of these endings coming. Mostly because most of them made no goddamn sense.

    So let’s go through what appears to be the rules of the genre, near as I can tell. I read three of these books so far all the way through ((And gave up on others)) and I’ve noticed a few trends that they all share. Please note, I didn’t read anything with a love triangle.

    1. Straight female protagonist, probably in her 30s. Most have some sort of job that allows them to be independent.
    2. She’s gotta be hot, but she probably doesn’t know it.
    3. She also has no parents. She can have grandparents or parental figures, but her direct parents are dead. ((I think this is supposed to be the grown up Disney princess genre))
    4. She’s married at the start ((Even if you don’t know it right away!)) to a guy who is an alcoholic. He’s probably also cheating on her. If he is, he’s gotten the other woman pregnant.
    5. It is definitely his fault the relationship is failing/has failed. The main lady is absolutely,100% not at fault for the failed relationship.
    6. The woman has no friends who could be potentially romantically threatening. All potential male friends are either gay or in relationships.
    7. The love interest has some sort of female fetish type job, or at least one with a super sexy uniform. ((I got a doctor, a fireman, and a sheriff))
    8. It’s set in a small town, or it feels like it must be a small town.
    9. The love interest is completely perfect. At least, the book will really try to sell this guy as a completely perfect man, no matter his actions. ((Letting the protagonist off of crimes that she’s definitely guilty of, taking her to a romantic cabin in the woods instead of a hospital))
    10. When she hooks up with the love interest, she is still somehow married to the unrepentant douchebag she was with before.
    11. Children are always important to the main lady in some way.
    12. At about the 2/3 – 3/4 mark, she will have a heart to heart with the unrepentant douchebag ex and they will come to an agreement of some sort. And then he will die soon after. They will still be married. ((This still technically happened in the one potential exception.))
    13. Even if the main lady ends up killing someone, it will absolutely not be her fault that it happened. It was probably even something out of her control. ((The sea murdered people for her!))
    14. There should be minimal if any scenes in a hospital. If the main lady is hospitalized, she can definitely just walk out of there.
    15. The reveal that leads into the climax will make me want to throw my book out a window. ((A HOUSE THAT EATS LOVE))

    While I think I could definitely write one of these books at this point, I am not going to. This is not my genre. I’ve seen positive and glowing reviews for all of these books and I just can’t with this type of escapist fantasy. I understand why, but it’s just not my thing.

    On the other hand, I still have more on my Kobo. And I have no plans to delete them.

  • The Nanowrimo Poll

    I have been doing NaNoWriMo ((National Novel Writing Month)) for years and for years I have also been running a poll to decide which book to write. Up until now, I have done it on my other site, but I’ve decided to bring the poll here this year, particularly since so many of my NaNoWriMo projects are being rewritten and edited for publication.

    Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000032_00032]The Sword Prince
    Prince Siegfried, after an unfortunate encounter with a basilisk, was cursed to be a sword at the bottom of a lake. When he is removed from the lake by his descendants, he becomes a boy again just in time for the throne to be attacked. He finds himself caught in the middle and his curse slowly taking hold once more.
    Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000032_00032]Arcleo
    Mirabella knows she is a princess. She knows because she doesn’t want to be an innkeeper’s daughter. When a group of people come through the inn looking for the real princess of a conquered kingdom, Mirabella sneaks out to join them on their quest to fulfill the prophesy to retake the kingdom. The journey isn’t quite what she had hoped, full of danger and uncertainty, and she is not the only potential princess they’ve picked up in their travels.
    Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000032_00032]Sky of Butterflies
    Deciding to try their luck on their own, Mateo and Serafina venture out of their orphanage and into the wide world outside, only to be swept up in a revolution. The robots have caught their world up in a tyrannical rule while the rich remain safe behind gilded gates. The kids, however, soon learn that the resistance is not all that it seems to be… and neither are they.
    Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000040_00002]Static
    Roughly a year after the events of White Noise, Willow suddenly recovers from her vegetative state and takes Max with her, provoking H&R to try and deal with the situation. Harrison is not a fan of what that means and starts to learn just what H&R have been up to, the real reason of their research, and how far they will go to keep their research private. He still doesn’t know what Willow wants and still can’t quite remember what happened the last time he went into H&R.

    Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000032_00032]City Without Heroes

    In a world full of supervillains and superheroes, Indira’s parents have decided to take jobs in the crimeless city of Whitten. She couldn’t be happier about it. Super powers run in her family and Indira is psychic, though plays her powers down as much as possible to keep from being roped into becoming a hero herself. Her uncle distrust the place, but Indira quickly settles, not realizing the price that comes with keeping a city like Whitten free of both heroes and villains.


  • An Introduction to the Twisted Eden Sector

    With Tales from the Twisted Eden Sector now under my name, and Evidence, the fifth book of the series ((Simya Academy is more of a spin-off)) coming out on September first, I figured I should at least talk a little about the series. Since I’ve been writing a lot of young adult urban fantasy, the more mature supernatural horror might require an introduction.

    Tales from the Twisted Eden Sector

    The magic of the world never really went away. It’s just been hidden, forced into back alleys and out of the public eye for so long that some don’t believe that it ever existed at all. Scattered across the world and hidden away into the back streets, there are many who know otherwise and make it their lives to hide it.

    They have more than enough work on their hands as they seem to be at the center of something big. The fabric of the universe seems thinner here than anywhere else. Their sector sees more enchanted items, dangerous people and strange creatures than any other. The appearance in recent years of children born with an innate ability to perform a single spell with no training in their sector and theirs alone has baffled them and flooded their files. Something is coming, but without knowing what it might be, they are forced to deal with it one case at a time.

    Every book in the series contains 11 short stories, mostly in chronological order within the book, and all of which are linked thematically. There are several characters that appear in several stories throughout the books at different points in their lives. ((In theory, you could follow just one character in the books, or even assemble the shorts on your own to follow the characters you’re interested in.))

    It is a largely nonlinear project, though. The books are told one on top of one another. For those who want to check it out, but can’t handle not knowing when one story happens in relation to another, I have a timeline you can check out here. ((A little out of date now, but I’ll be updating it soon!))

    If any of this interests you, do check it out. If not, don’t forget to vote in the book poll!

  • White Noise Fanart

    I got White Noise fanart. This is Jaime, drawn by Lozchic.


    She wants none of it. And I am ecstatic! ((LOOK AT IT! This is the best thing!)) 

    That is all.

  • Print Book Publishing with Createspace – Part 2

    The first proof arrived almost a week early. It was a great start, or so I thought. I was working form home that day because I caught a flu ((Which is still going, might I add. I will be sick forever.)) and was able to get it without going to pick it up. I waited until 5 to open it and it was more exciting than Christmas. Which is only relevant because it was the start of December at the time.

    It looked amazing. At first. The front was great and the matte felt great in my hands. It smelled like a book. And then I turned it around. The spine was a little off, but that’s okay. I knew about the 1/8″ slip and I measured. It was exactly that much of a slip, so it was fine. And the back cover looked good too, so I was generally pretty happy.

    Well, until I started reading it through.

    Those notes? Every one a thing I had to change. Missed orphans. Places where the spacing looked weird. Typos. Grammar. All the things I thought I had gotten the first few times going through it, and there were still little things that needed fixing.

    But it was all little stuff. I fixed them all in both the InDesign document and in the eBook at the same time and uploaded the new versions. I also changed the finish to glossy because, as much as I loved the feel of the matte, it smudged and got dirty like crazy with a white cover. The pages, as well, were very white and didn’t feel like a book in the way I was used to. I went back through my stack of reference novels and noticed they all had more cream pages, so I changed that as well.

    Time for the second proof.

    They were a little lighter in the cover than I thought they would be. I darkened it with filters in the photo, but the grey was just a bit too light for my liking. The problems in the book, though, those were mostly fixed. The glossy worked better, as did the cream pages, but I didn’t check the spine alignment on the digital proofer this time, thinking everything would be the same as before. I was… very wrong. But, since I was changing the colours on the cover anyway, I went back through and made more adjustments to the spine.

    Proof copy three. Here’s hoping this time?

    One thing I will say is that throughout this whole thing, shipping has not only been good, it’s been amazingly fast. The slow option took maybe a week all of these times so far. On top of that, this version of the books looked great. No orphans left and after reading it through hundreds of times to the point where I was unable to see anything wrong with it anymore, I couldn’t find a single thing wrong with it. And on top of that…

    … the spine finally lined up!

    In chronological order. You can see how off the spine has been so far. It was pretty awful. You can also see that 6×9 as a size is much larger than most of the books on my shelf. At this point, I’d put so much work into it that I couldn’t go back. The ISBN was assigned to the size. I’d make a smaller one later when I was more comfortable with everything. When I could pay for moor proof copies with the income from this book! ((Such wishful thinking on my part…)) It’s the size of Name of the Wind on the next shelf down, as well a few other scattered books I have, so it didn’t bother me.

    I looked through it yet again. A few times. I showed it to the girls at work, both designers, and they couldn’t find anything wrong with it. That night when I got home, I decided to publish it. I have a coupon for two free books from finishing NaNoWriMo, so I go ahead and order those as well.

    2 hours after deciding to do that, I got a message pointing out something…



    So of course, I immediately get it all changed and get the new version. I’ve learned at this point that Createspace usually gets back on approvals in 12 hours on changes to interior files and less on cover changes. I get it changed and breathe a sigh of relief.

    Which brings us to now. I have received my free books ((It took UPS a week and a half while I called over and over to find out what was happening)), and they have the right back cover! White Noise the physical copy is now for sale at Createspace and on Amazon.

    I think I’m going to wait a little while before I do this again. It’s been an interesting journey so far, but I think that’s enough for a little while. Time to start looking at what I’m going to write next.

  • Print Book Publishing with Createspace – Part 1

    It was late November. I had just finished writing two books for NaNoWriMo ((Escaping Reality and a Looking Glass book)) and I had promised that I was going to take the rest of the month and all of December off of writing to keep myself from completely burning out. I was already really close to burning out as it was, so it was a good idea to take a bit of time off.

    But this is me. I don’t do time off very well.

    I don’t know why, but I got it in my head that I wanted to turn White Noise into a print book. I have wanted to make a print version of my books just for that aesthetic. I like holding books and I love the smell of a book, so I wanted that for my own works as well. Since I promised that I wouldn’t be doing any more writing, I figured that now was the perfect time to start working on creating something that I always wanted. I’d just finished White Noise and I already designed the spine and back cover back in October, after all, so why not this one?

    Luckily, I’d already been playing around in InDesign for a while, so I had a general sense of my way around. I pulled out novels from my shelves and made a pile of them by my desk as I started looking for fonts and tried to remember every gripe my designer friends and classmates had about text on a page. I tried to get rid of any orphans and widows ((Single words on a line and single lines on a page)) that I could find. I adjusted my spacing and rewrote little things so that the lines looked better.

    And then I chose my fonts ((Chaparral Pro and Bebas Neue)) and I had to lay everything out all over again. Choose your fonts first.

    I went with a 6×9 layout because that was the recommended size by Createspace and, now that I had all of my documents ready, I was able to start uploading all of my documents. It was exciting. I had checked everything and rechecked it. Everything was going to be great. I’d get one proof copy and it would be perfect and that would be all. I uploaded the cover and the interiors and I waited for them to approve it and get to the stage where I could order my first proof. I obsessed over the description for a while, I selected a matte cover finish, ((Because matte is awesome)) but there was something wrong.

    Here’s a tip about Createspace. For those who are using Createspace for the first time and you’re wondering why your interior file still needs approval, open up the Digital Proofer. There’s a big blue button at the bottom that says Save and Continue. You have to press that before it will approve your interiors.

    Once that was sorted, I looked through their digital proofer. From here, you get to see how the spine is aligned and the spine was a little off. Cue making little adjustments to it, uploading it and waiting until Amazon approved the new version before I could actually check it for myself. The biggest downside of this whole process really is this part right here. You have to upload a cover and get it approved by someone on Amazon’s end before you can check the alignment yourself. But a few tries later, I finally get it ready. It’s approved. The spine looks good.

    Time to get my first proof copy.