Tag: cheshire cat

  • Looking Glass Saga Microfiction – The Cheshire Cat and the White Rabbit

    Looking Glass Saga Microfiction – The Cheshire Cat and the White Rabbit

    The next little bit of microfiction1, this time a chat between the Cheshire Cat and the White Rabbit.

    “If you don’t like her, then you should have gotten another one.”

    “I never said I didn’t like her. Just that she is a very stupid mouse.”

    “You could take her place.”

    “As could you.”

    “I shan’t.”

    “Nor shall I.”


    “But she is a very stupid mouse.”

    1. Small scenes that don’t appear in The Looking Glass Saga, all of which will be 250 characters or less []
  • Cheshire Cat Aesthetic

    A cat is a cat is a cat. The cat from Cheshire watches, waits, and does not involve himself in matters that do not concern him, though he has many opinions about them that he will voice. It does not matter if he’s wanted, he will be there to watch and will gladly tell you when he knew better than you.