The Lazy Genius review

Look. I know. But fiction is still very hard for me and these self help, how to organize your life books are significantly easier for me to get through. And I’m also very bad at sticking to my choices anyway, so I’m reading another one of them!

And this one isn’t too bad! Unlike a lot of the other books of this ouvre that I’ve read before, this book is mostly about outlining a structure over crafting very concrete rules about how to live your life and insisting that this way is the only way. And I like a book that is open to the idea that different specifics are going to work for different people.

At a high level, the book focuses on a very simple idea: Put effort into the things that matter the most to you, and figure out a way to make the rest as automated and lazy as possible. Some of it is letting go of what isn’t important, like not having your house set up in a way that looks like it belongs in a magazine. While her examples don’t match my own life, the ideas behind the rules that she’s created feel like they could be adapted to fit most people, which is more than I can say for some of the other books I’ve read in this genre.

Overall, I generally like it! While it might feel like a bit much if you’re currently overwhelmed and in need of something to get your life together right now, I think this book is a good guideline to help you refine a system into something that works better for you.